boisterous |ˈbɔɪst(ə)rəs|
boisterously adverb,
boisterousness noun
2 a boisterous wind: blustery, gusting, gusty, breezy, windy, stormy,
wild, squally, rough, choppy, turbulent,tempestuous, howling,
roaring, raging, furious; ANTONYMS calm, quiet.
noisy, energetic, and cheerful: a group of boisterous lads.
• (of weather or water) wild or stormy: the boisterous
wind was lulled.
boisterously adverb,
boisterousness noun
1 a boisterous game of handball: lively, active, animated,
exuberant, spirited, bouncy, frisky, excited, overexcited,
in high spirits, high-spirited, ebullient, vibrant, rowdy,unruly,
wild, uproarious, unrestrained, undisciplined,uninhibited,
uncontrolled, abandoned, rough, romping,rollicking,
disorderly, knockabout, riotous, rip-roaring,rumbustious,
roistering,tumultuous;noisy,loud,clamorous, clangorous.
ANTONYMS quiet, restrained.
2 a boisterous wind: blustery, gusting, gusty, breezy, windy, stormy,
wild, squally, rough, choppy, turbulent,tempestuous, howling,
roaring, raging, furious; ANTONYMS calm, quiet.
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