
tips to solve



boisterous  |ˈbɔɪst(ə)rəs| adjective noisy, energetic, and cheerful: a group of boisterous lads. • (of weather or water) wild or stormy: the boisterous wind was lulled. DERIVATIVES boisterously adverb, boisterousness noun boisterous adjective 1 a boisterous game of handball: lively, active, animated, exuberant, spirited, bouncy, frisky, excited, overexcited, in high spirits, high-spirited, ebullient, vibrant, rowdy,unruly, wild, uproarious, unrestrained, undisciplined,uninhibited, uncontrolled, abandoned, rough, romping,rollicking, disorderly, knockabout, riotous, rip-roaring,rumbustious, roistering,tumultuous;noisy,loud,clamorous, clangorous. ANTONYMS  quiet, restrained. 2 a boisterous wind: blustery, gusting, gusty, breezy, windy, stormy,  wild, squally, rough, choppy, turbulent,tempestuous, howling, roaring, raging, furious; ANTONYMS calm, quiet.


sprain  |spreɪn| verb [ with obj. ] wrench or twist the ligaments of (an ankle, wrist, or other joint) violently so as to cause pain and swelling but not dislocation: he left in a wheelchair after spraining an ankle. noun the result of spraining a joint. a compress for treating sprains and bruises. sprain verb he sprained his left ankle in a tackle during Saturday's game: wrench, twist, turn, strain, crick; pull, stretch, tear; injure, hurt, damage; noun a severe ankle sprain: wrench, strain, rick, crick; pull, tear,  injury .

carve out

carve out |ˈkärvˌoutˈkɑrvaʊt| noun 1 a small company created from a larger one: companies that are breaking up—through spin-offs, split-offs, and carveouts. • a class of medical procedures treated separately with regard to insurance coverage. • a class of employees treated separately with regard to benefits. 2 the activity of effecting a carveout. to the letter with adherence to every detail: the method was followed to the letter.

vocabulary set 5

industrious  |ɪnˈdʌstrɪəs| adjective diligent and hard-working. an industrious people striving to make their country prosperous. DERIVATIVES industriously adverb, industriousness noun ORIGIN late 15th cent. (in the sense ‘skilful, clever, ingenious’): from French industrieux or late Latin industriosus, from Latin industria ‘diligence’.industrious> adjective he was honest, sober, and industrious: hard-working, diligent, assiduous, sedulous, conscientious, steady, painstaking,persistent, persevering,pertinacious,unflagging, untiring, tireless, indefatigable, studious; busy, busy as a bee, active, bustling, energetic, on the go,vigorous,determined,dynamic,driven,zealous, productive; with one's shoulder to the wheel, with one's nose to the grindstone; archaic laborious. ANTONYMS indolent. CHOOSE THE RIGHT WORD industrious, diligent, hard-working See hard-working. uncaring  |ʌnˈkɛːrɪŋ| adjective 1. not displaying sympathy or concern for others : an uncaring father....

vocabulary set 4

by oneself  1 alone: she lives in the apartment by herself. 2 unaided: the patient often learns to undress by himself. by way of see way. means |miːnz| plural noun1 [ treated as sing. or pl. ] (often means of/to do something) an action or system by which a result is achieved;  a method : technology seen as a means to bring about emancipation | resolving disputes by peaceful means. 2 financial resources; income: a woman of modest but independent means. • substantial resources; wealth: a man of means. PHRASES beyond (or within)  one's means beyond (or within) one's budget or income. the government is living  beyond its means . a flat that was within her means. by all means of course ; certainly (granting a permission): ‘May I make a suggestion?’ ‘By all means.’. by any means  [ with negative ] in any way; at all: I'm not poor by any means. by means of  with the help of; by using: supplying water to cities by means of aqueducts. by no means...

vocabulary set3

Emphasize  |ˈɛmfəsʌɪz| (also emphasise) verb [ with obj. ] 1 give special importance or value to (something) in speaking or writing: they emphasize the need for daily, one-to-one contact between parent and child | [ with clause ] : I would emphasize that I am not an economist. 2 lay stress on (a woralso emphasise) verb [ with obj. ] 1 give special importance or value to (something) in speaking or writing: they emphasize the need for daily, one-to-one contact between parent and child | [ with clause ] : I would emphasize that I am not an economist. 2 lay stress on (a word or phrase) when speaking. his father emphasized the wrong words in his sentence. 3 make (something) more clearly defined: a hip-length jacket which emphasized her shape. up to  1 as far as: I could reach just up to his waist. • (also up until) until: up to now I hadn't had a relationship. 2 indicating a maximum amount: the process is expected to take up to two years. 3 [ with negative or in ques...